The Government of India has initiated the creation of Producer Companies to help farmers sell their produce. Through these producer companies, farmers can minimize and, in some cases, eliminate middlemen…
Farmers undergo intensive training programmes with experts in the field; participants are encouraged to share experiences on various aspects of farming and allied activities: Organic farming Cultivation of robust millet…
AHIMSA focuses on attaining food security through millet cultivation and has conducted various programs to promote this; some of these programs are: Seed banking programs to save traditional seeds and distribute…
AHIMSA aims at creating Bio Blocks where sustainable agricultural practices ensure food security and cultivation free of pesticides and chemical fertilizers: Members of farmers’ clubs meet once a month to discuss…
Early childhood education plays a major role in child development . AHIMSA focuses on child development in rural areas as children need to be ducated in all areas and attain skills…
The secret to village empowerment lies with women. Hence AHIMSA has taken on the task to equip women with the information and tap their skills to build their confidence moulding…
AHIMSAhas realized the importance of bio diversity as a resource to meet the needs of the poor. The richer the diversity of life, the greater arethe opportunities for eco development.…